Friday, September 29, 2006

How to know about Internet Marketing?

There is a new WAY to know about the world of Internet Marketing : )

Dont wait - - - - > > >


Monday, September 25, 2006

How to use Google?

Click on the apropriate links below to know more about Google from Google:

1. "Choosing search terms

2. Capitalization

3. Automatic "and" queries

4. Exclusion of common words

5. Word variations

6. Phrase searches

7. Negative terms

8. I'm Feeling Lucky" [source:]

How to Blog? - 10 Ways To Create Content For Your Weblog

Here are 10 Ways To Create Content For Your Weblog provided by

1) "Check your Inbox.

2) Start Blog Hopping.

3) Comment in Your Own Blog.

4) Read, Listen To, or Watch the News

6) Create Lists

7) Play Games, Answer Surveys, or Take Quizzes

8) Blog at Random

9) Be a Sleuth!

10) Do Something New". [Read Descriprion] and COME back ; )

How to Blog? - What to Blog?

"1) Just write something. Anything, really

2) Write a little something about yourself

3) Write about how and/or why you're starting a weblog.

4) Pick a theme or topic that you're passionate about, then write about it.

5) Post an image that you like and write about it

6) Choose a meme/prompt/collab or a blog quiz to post

7) Write a short letter to your readers". [Read Description] And COME back!!!

How to Blog? - Where to Blog?

There are many free blog hosting application available on the Internet.

The following is one, where you can start blogging.

Just visit the and COME back for further lessons.

How to Blog? - Who Uses Blogs?

There are different kind of people who blog.

Personal bloggers: Shares personal experiences and information. They also share their ideas about sports, technology, education, news, politics, pets, writing, art or photography.

Business bloggers: They create blogs to promote their products and/or services.

Organizational bloggers: These are people who blog as a way to communicate internally in an organization.

Professional bloggers: They are considered 'DIFFERENT' in the blogging community. These are people who are actually hired or paid to blog.

; ) Decide what YOU want to be!!!

How to Blog? - What is a blog?

According to "The evolution of diaries and ranting, "blogging" is "web logging". It's about people expressing themselves through free-form web writing. About Guide, Shai Collins, has an entire web site that explains blogging, and how you get started with your own personal blog! If you enjoy reading and writing, this is a topic that's worth your time!"

Sunday, September 24, 2006

How to Communicate Well?


WE are BOUND to work hard and practice a lot to communicate BETTER and then the BEST.

Lets start practising communication.

Today I am giving you a link to a Video that will tell "how to IMPROVE communication skills".

Click here to watch the video - - - - Than COME back and POST a comment.